Whether contemplating a concert or a sporting event, the fan’s decision to buy a ticket, now more than ever, hinges on their confidence in health, safety, security, and great services. Your fans must be reassured at every step of their journey.

The New Decision Metric
The Innovation Institute emerged from the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 as a global alliance to help navigate and provide thought leadership for the new and existing challenges in safety, security and fan experience that face the world of sport and entertainment. Founded by one of the world’s leaders in the field, Dr. Lou Marciani, founder of NCS4 in 2006 (National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security), Innovation Institute builds on that foundation along with a network of experts built over a career to blend safety, security and fan experience together for the benefit of all. The result is a next-level resource, with offices in the USA, UK and Canada, that teams, venues, officials and leaders can count on for the latest in technology, industry best practices, protocols and approaches, training.

From nationally televised annual championship and specialty events to regionally important games of the week and concerts, fans gather to celebrate elite performers and to create memories they revisit for years.
Every aspect of a sports or entertainment experience represents a small step in the tech-enabled fan journey, from the moment an event ticket is purchased online to the first time when fans take their seats at the venue.
In short, the fans are there for the spectacle and for the experience. Technology can create an immersive, memory-making FANCENTRIC experience. Learn more by downloading our free eBook!

Founder of the Innovation Institute
Founder Dr. Louis Marciani is coauthor of Security Management for Sports and Special Events: An Interagency Approach to Creating Safe Facilities and is currently co-chair of the “Return to Work, Play and Spectate Task Force for Post-COVID-19 Sports and Entertainment Safety and Security” — a pre-eminent group that has developed essential guidelines as the sport and entertainment industry moves forward together — not only in the U.S., but worldwide. Dr. Marciani, among many relevant accomplishments in the field, was chosen along with NCS4 by INTERPOL’s Project STADIA to serve as a research and academic pathfinder to help build police capacity — creating programs in sports safety and security for INTERPOL’s 194 member nations. He is a worldwide lecturer on fan safety and security, and is perfectly positioned to translate this knowledge into how it affects the full fan experience.