Lamont Dodson
Police Captain, Cleveland Municipal School District - Cleveland Ohio
Lamont D. Dodson grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, and attended Cleveland Central Catholic, Cuyahoga Community College graduating from the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy, and earned accreditation from Cleveland State University and National Certified Public Manager Consortium.
Lamont has been employed with the Cleveland Metropolitan School District since 1997. He has served in many capacities walking the halls working as a security officer in schools, gang officer working collaboratively with the Cleveland Police Department gang task force serving as a liaison to mediate conflict resolution. Lamont rose through the ranks serving as a Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, and his current position Interim Deputy Chief.
This assignment fulfills his desire to provide a positive impact on the lives of children in our schools and within the City of Cleveland. Lamont is proud of the accomplishments of our safety team’s efforts to ensure that our scholars and staff have a safe learning environment.
Lamont believes now more than ever that our children and communities need law enforcement leaders to go “beyond the badge” and work on fostering a relationship of trust once again within our communities.